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        In Indonesia the name of school level are different; elementary (SD), junior high (SMP), and senior high (SMA). They attend to kindergarten about 4 years old. There are 6 years for studying in primary school. They must go to school six (or five, depending on the institution). They study on Monday to Saturday from 6:30 a.m. until afternoon (usually 2 or 3 p.m.). The high school has the same study time. There are 3 years for studying in high school. The students can choose between science-mathematics and social study. Students can also choose to participate in extracurricular activities provided by the school such as sports, arts, or religious studies.

School Name: Muhammadiyah 1 University Purwokerto
Subject: Mathematics
Class / Semester: VII
Allocation of Time: 3 x 40 minute

Develop Understanding Of Fractions As Numbers. Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.
Extend Understanding Of Fraction Equivalence And Ordering. Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.

A. Basic Competencies and Indicators for Achieving Competence
Students will be able to write a fraction to describe what part of a region is shaded. They will also be able to name the numerator and denominator in a fraction. Finally, students will be able to identify equal fractions.
B. Learning Strategies
Scientific approach
Methods: ATM techniques (Observation, Artificial and Modified), group discussions, frequently asked questions, assignments
Model: cooperative type STAD

C. Media, Tools, Materials
- paper cut in rectangle
- Whiteboard
- Marker pen
- Notebooks

D. Learning Steps

























































Explicit Instruction (10 minutes)
ï‚· Write a list of fractions with the same denominator, or bottom number, on the board, such as 1/3 and 2/3.
ï‚· Ask student volunteers to share a fraction comparison that they noticed, For example: 1/3 is less than 2/3.
ï‚· Write the fraction comparisons on the board, such as 1/3 < 2/3.
ï‚· Ask small groups to look at the comparisons on the board and determine if they can identify any patterns. For example, if the denominator is the same, the larger numerator, or top number, is the greater fraction.

Teacher Modeling (20 minutes)
ï‚· Draw a number line on the board from 0 to 4/4.
ï‚· Label each hash mark as 0/4, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4.
ï‚· Plot 2/4 and 3/4 on the number line.
ï‚· Note to students that 0/4 is the same as 0 and 4/4 is the same as 1. Draw a circle divided into fourths to illustrate this.
ï‚· Show students that 3/4 is closer to 4/4 or one whole.
ï‚· Draw 2 circles of the same size, each divided into fourths.
ï‚· Shade 3/4 of one circle and 2/4 of the other.
ï‚· Write 3/4 > 2/4 next to the number line.
ï‚· Explain that using a number line and drawing are two different ways that can help determine fraction comparison.

Guided Practice/Interactive Modeling (20 minutes)
ï‚· Give students 1/8 fraction strips, and have them make 2/8 and 4/8.
ï‚· Instruct students to draw a number line or make a drawing to compare.
ï‚· Then, direct students to write a comparative statement on their individual dry erase boards or notebooks.
Independent Working Time (20 minutes)
ï‚· Direct students to work with a partner to complete the word problems on the Same Denominator Partner Problems worksheet.
ï‚· As students are working, circulate around the classroom to ask students to verbally explain their work.

Enrichment: Use mixed denominators to compare fractions, and have your students use a number line or drawing to show this visually.
Support: Put students in small groups, and direct them to use their dry erase boards to draw number lines and use drawings to make their comparative statements. Have them focus on the visuals rather than the numbers and number statements.

Assessment (5 minutes)
ï‚· As an exit ticket, give your students a problem to solve. For example: Sam ran 4/6 of a mile, and Ben ran 2/6 of a mile. Who ran further? Write a comparative statement. Use a drawing, number line, or words to explain your answer.
ï‚· Collect the assessments to grade and evaluate understanding.

Review and Closing (5 minutes)
ï‚· Ask a student volunteer to explain her answer in words to the class for the assessment.
ï‚· Instruct a different student to show a number line for this problem.
ï‚· Have a third volunteer show a drawing for this problem.
ï‚· Direct students to create a fraction rule or pattern when comparing fractions with the same denominator.
ï‚· Display this fraction rule in the classroom.

E. Learning Objectives
After this lesson, students will be able to:
ï‚· explain the concept of comparing fractions
ï‚· compare and contrast different types of fractions
ï‚· represent fractions on a number line

F. Assessment
-Assessment will be based on Fractions worksheet.
-Are students properly identifying the numerator and denominator? Are students writing the numerator and denominator in the correct order? Do students understand the terms “parts under consideration”? Did students create two correct fractions of their own?
-Summative assessment will be based on the collected homework. Students must follow the directions to draw and label pictures in addition to accurately writing the fractions using the part of a set model. (See scoring guideline)




Compass Ruler
Teacher Writing a Formula on a Blackboar
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